So, ahem, how much is it, then, Tom?
- You know how much, Nick.
- And that includes the amp, yeah?
- No, that does not include the amp.
- Shoot, Tom, I thought it included the amp!
- Well it doesn't! I'll throw in one of these telephones if you'd like, but it does not include the amp.
- Very nice... I hope it includes the speakers.
- It doesn't include the speakers, it doesn't include the amp, and it's not supposed to include me getting the hump with your stupid questions. Now, you want it, Nick, you buy it.
- What else do I get with it?
- You get a gold-plated Rolls Royce, as long as you pay for it.
— Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
by Guy Ritchie
(see stats)