Life went on. And Smeerensburg continued to change for the better. Poetic, don't you think? And as for Alva and I, what did you expect? Of course she loved me. Every year, come the Christmas season, the letters started pouring in. More and more each time, and from farther away. We did have to expand the operation, just like we had planned. More children, more toys, more towns. The years went by, each better than the last. And then, on the 12th year, I looked for him everywhere. I asked everyone, and we just couldn't find him. No goodbye, no explanation, nothing. It was as if he had just faded away. What happened to him after that, how, why, I can't even begin to comprehend. I stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago. What I do know is that once a year... I get to see my friend.
— Klaus
by Sergio Pablos
(see stats)